For the most updated details on Silverball Sundays tournaments, visit the Facebook site, Silverball Sundays Pinball at Axemann Brewery. Silverball Sundays tournaments take place the first Sunday afternoon of each month. All tournaments are open to the public, with at least 25 players expected for each. All ages and experience levels are welcome, and although the tournaments are designed to be competitive, more experienced players are always happy to help newbies understand the game rulesets and the logistics of how tournaments work.
Tournaments last a pre-determined amount of time, which is typically 3 hours. Practice time on the pins is included before each tournament, and live results are displayed on a big-screen TV in the tournament space using the Match Play website, where players can also find details on the different tournament formats. Tournaments are certified by the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA), with IFPA points earned for each player based on the tournament results. For Silverball Sundays, there is an entry for each player, all of which goes a cash prize pool paid out to the top finishers. Tournament players must pay in cash. No pre-registration is required for tournaments--players simply show up and register--but you are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes before the tournament start time to sign in. For more information or to confirm that you plan to participate in a particular tournament, please contact Joe Schall, Joe is glad to share his cell phone number with you once contacted.
Details from previous tournaments are below.
Silverball Sundays #7, April 7, 2024
Silverball Sundays #7 saw the largest turnout, with about 25 players. Features included the addition of an Attack from Mars remake loaner for the tournament and several first-time participants, who came from as far away as Williamsport. Pictured below are the tournament players, lined up from the youngest in the front to the oldest in the back (based on the honor system).
Silverball Sundays #6, March 3, 2024
Silverball Sundays #6 was a big hit, with 20 players competing, which allowed us to have both a Beginner Division and Advanced Division. Half of the participants were new to tournament play. There were three sets of parents/adult children who competed, which was an added pleasure. This tournament also included an electromechanical machine (Pro Football) on temporary loan thanks to the generosity of our friend Chris Meyers, and that pin ended up being the tie-breaker machine to decide between 2nd and 3rd place. Thanks to all who participated in this record turnout, and to a few spectators as well who showed up just to socialize and play for fun after the tournament ended.
Silverball Sundays #5, February 4, 2024
Silverball Sundays #5 included 16 players, with players designated as Advanced or Beginner based on experience, and with cash payouts going to the top three Advanced players and Beginner players. This tournament also included an Elvis machine on temporary loan thanks to the generosity of our friend Chris Meyers. We enjoyed a nice mix of competitors, including two Penn State students and a father and son, and with an age range of 50 years between the oldest and youngest players.
Silverball Sundays #4, January 14, 2024
Thanks largely to a "Pinball Wizards" article in the local Town & Gown magazine that generated interest, we had a record turnout of 16 for Silverball Sundays #4, with a cash pool of $80 and the top prize of a Stranger Things translite donated by Wally. Stephen also brought along some giveaways generously donated from The Pinball Gallery in Malvern, PA. Some players travelled several hours for the tournament and some locals played for the first time in a tournament setting.
Silverball Sundays #3, December 3, 2023
A small but mighty six players competed in Silverball Sundays #3, with Wally serving as tournament director and a close finish for 2nd and 3rd between Matt and James. Not a jigsaw puzzle guy, Wally donated the top prize of the "Pinball Invasion" puzzle to James.
Silverball Sundays #2, November 5, 2023
Eight players competed in Silverball Sundays #2, with Wally serving as tournament director as well as just edging out Douglas for first place. Wally generously donated the top prize of the Deadpool translite to Douglas, and Joe finished third. The local Town & Gown magazine was also on site that day to take photos and write a feature story on Silverball Sundays, which appeared in the January 2024 issue. An online version of the article is titled "Happy Valley Pinball Wizards."
Silverball Sundays #1, October 1, 2023: Foo Fighters Launch Party
Ten great players competed in Silverball Sundays #1, with the top prize of the framed Foo Fighters translite going to Dev after a tight game between Dev and Nick on Twister to determine the winner. The finish was as close as it gets, but Dev, the youngest player in the tournament at 14 years old, prevailed on the final ball. Tim (always a bridesmaid) finished 3rd with a prize of $5, so he broke even on the day, with $1 from his $6 entry fee going to the IFPA. Wally generously served as tournament director, and the host, Joe, dutifully played almost as badly as humanly possible that particular day.